Thoughts and happenings in art education, teaching,
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6th Grade Art: Dia de los Muertos Digital and 3D/Maker Ofrendas
6th Grader are starting a Day of the Dead altar (ofrenda) project commemorating an important relative or person. Some students are working with Tinkercad, 3D printer and the laser cutter. Other students are using Canva, Lucid Press, Pixlr, Adobe Spark (new to students this year!), and iMovie to create webpages, digital collages, and slideshows. Below are two videos describing el Dia de Los Muertos.
Click on Photo: Example of Ofrenda Adobe Spark Webpage template
As my school joins the maker and stem movement, more and more of collegial conversations focus on student projects as problem solving. The need for students to understand and to manipulate materials is imperative. One such project incorporates all of these ideas. It is the origami paper brain model by Martin Pyka. Examples below are from my 6th gr. class.
5th Grade students are studying writing systems. Today we looked at this beautiful tile that has calligraphic writing! Ramadan Mubarak to all who celebrate ✨ In honor of the start of #Ramadan , a look at this stunning #mihrab , or prayer niche. One of the earliest, finest examples of mosaic tilework, it was made by joining cut glazed tiles to produce intricate arabesque and calligraphic designs. — The Metropolitan Museum of Art (@metmuseum) April 13, 2021
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