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5th Grade Art


Repousse and Egyptian Amulets

5th graders will be creating their own repousse amulets using symbols, hieroglyphics and Egyptian god/desses. Below is a short video explaining the history and technique.

February STEAM in the ART ROOM

iStopMotion and St. George and the Dragon

1. Create characters and backdrop.
2. Create script (what will characters do, say, narration, etc./how will you visually tell story)
3. Partner with someone. One person moves the characters. The other person takes the photos in iStopmotion,
4. Add narration audio track.

Circuits and St. George and Dragon

1. Decide where in your drawing you want to use the lightbulb.
2. Are you going to use the silver pen or copper tape for your circuit?How will you incorporate the silver or copper into your drawings

3. How will you create a switch? What is the switch for?


Students are finishing up their optical illusions (see above). We studied Victor Vasarely (below). The illusion of depth  is created through the vibrating/contrasting color palette and change in scale/dimension of the visual graphics.

Japanese Noh Masks December 

Japan's rich tradition of Noh and Kyogen masks will provide the visual research and inspiration for our next ceramic unit.

Oct. 2014


The fifth graders are finishing pointillist sections of their collaborative paintings. We spent a week at the West Campus working on the paintings. They learned about the Seurat's use of complimentary color theory and optical blending techniques to create a vibrant, dynamic color palette.

September 2014

Students are creating shoe paintings based on Pop Art. These are some resources we look at for inspiration!

Hamburger, 1985-1986
Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987)
Hamburger, 1985-1986 
acrylic on linen
50 x 66 x 1 1/4 in. (127 x 167.6 x 3.2 cm.)
The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh; Founding Collection, Contribution The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
© The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.

5th Grade Sub Assignments



Our school has been reading the book, Invent to Learn. After reading this book, I decided that students needed opportunities to explore all aspects of STEAM. Our hat design unit does just that by asking students to think about the form, function, design, and ceremonial role of hats in our world. We looked at examples from Western and Non-Western cultures (see screen shot below). If we expect students to be innovative, we must create the time, space, and materials to do just that!


St. George and the Dragon

Students are working on their own version of the St. George and the Dragon legend.

File:George novgorod.jpgTempera on wood, 58.4x41.8x3.5, State Russian Museum, Sankt Petersburg, late XV 

St. George art history slide show: 

Student Example

You are the Curator
Create your own art museum exhibit at Google Art Project. 
In your museum audio guide, please include media (ex. oil), comments about subject, composition, why it fits your theme.
 Copy your gallery link and paste into the Google Power point here. Record your audio at, copy link, paste the link here as well:

Photoshop Drawing and Painting Tutorial

Students are working on a masterpiece painting spoofs in Photoshop. They are using layers, magnetic lasso, cut/paste, free transform, blur and smudge tools to create their spoofs.

Architectural Perspective Drawings

St.George and the Dragon links:


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