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4th Grade Art

February STEAM in the ART ROOM

iStopMotion and St. George and the Dragon

1. Create characters and backdrop.
2. Create script (what will characters do, say, narration, etc./how will you visually tell story)
3. Partner with someone. One person moves the characters. The other person takes the photos in iStopmotion,
4. Add narration audio track.

Circuits and St. George and Dragon

1. Decide where in your drawing you want to use the lightbulb.
2. Are you going to use the silver pen or copper tape for your circuit?How will you incorporate the silver or copper into your drawings
3. How will you create a switch? What is the switch for?


Students are working on Cubistic self portraits based on Picasso. 
We will move on to a ceramic project later in the month

November Cloud City

Students learned how to draw buildings using 3-D perspective techniques. They watched my demo, followed along in their sketchbooks with a video, and saw many examples.

Below is student example of Cloud City.

Oct. 2014

All students are painting geckos and owls on canvas. We reviewed layering and feathering of brushstrokes to create texture.

September 2014

All students worked on a creative name tag design that displays their interests. We also started a bug's life project this week. An example is pictured below.

4th Grade Sub Assignments

Watch video and pause when needed to complete drawing:

January 2014

iPads and Comic Book Hero Project: Drawing and Photoshop

QR codes will be added and linked to a narrative audio file. The students will read a story about their comic. 

Japanese Kimonos December 2013

Paper Weaving Instructions and Pics
4th Gr. Paper Kimono

October 2013

Cubism and Self Portraits

Cloud City

Students learned how to draw buildings using 3-D perspective techniques. They watched my demo, followed along in their sketchbooks with a video, and saw many examples.

Below are student examples of Bug's Life and Cloud City.

March - April 2013

Students created an iBook comic book which can be downloaded to any eBook reader. It works best on an iPad or iPhone. They also finished their clay animals whci are now on display.

COMIC iBook:

Image: Dick

Animal Clay boxes: instruction and examples from Dick Blick

January/February 2013

Owl and Gecko map created during art that incorporated photos of their paintings and habitat information.

View Owls and Geckos in a larger map

We had so much fun finishing the Google Earth map. Here is a sample video featuring the Gecko and Owl class animal paintings and descriptions uploaded to a Google Earth tour. This was great integration of technology, art, writing, geography and science.

The students are now illustrating their comics on using Abobe Photoshop on either the Mac book Pros or iPads.

December 2012

Students are working on Cubistic self portaits based on Picasso. 

October 2012

September 2012

Students are working on realistic paintings of geckos and owls. See the in progress paintings on the home page. 

Monet Postcard example:


Word test

  Animal Clay Boxes and New Zealand Koru Plant Designs

koru plant photo: Jon Radoff

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