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7th Grade Art

Digital Self Portraits

Students are creating digital self portraits on their Chromebooks. They are using the Chrome app Sumopaint/Pixlr. After uploading a photo from their web cam, students are working in layers to create an animated version of themselves using pencil, bucket, and paint brush tools. After completing the first two layers, they will duplicate the photo layer and create a distorted portrait using the smudge tool. This set of skill correlates directing with any photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, yet; this is a free app.


September 2014- Drawing and Van Gogh

We are working on upside down drawings and blind contour line drawings. These drawing exercises are excellent ways to improve your drawing skills. Drawing takes practice and review. Developing your technical skills increases the visual vocabulary of thoughts, creativity, and expression.

We also started our Van Gogh paintings. After looking the resources below, students are incorporating warm/cool and complementary color palettes into their Van Gogh still lifes.

Using Haiku as an extension of our classroom students are able to access resources from classroom pages. Below are three examples of items posted on the 7th grade art Haiku page.

Van Gogh Gallery from Google Art Project: Van Gogh Google Art Project


January/February 2014

King Njoya of Bamum. Digital ID: 488175. New York Public Library
King Njoya of Bamum byBernatzik, Hugo Adolf, 1897-1953(via NYPL)

The 7th gr. chair project was inspired by King Njoya's ceremonial royal court displays. I studied West African Art during graduate school at KU. The layers of meaning and imagery display trade connections and iconic meanings that can be analyzed from this powerful photograph from the New York Public Library.

Google Art Project: Chairs

April/May 2014

The 7th graders are creating their own illuminated manuscripts. We looked at this gallery from the Metropolitan Museum of Art as a source for research and inspiration.
Interactive Gallery: Met Islamic Galleries

December 2013

Quest Academy's 7th Gr. Odyssey Animation 2012

The seventh graders created a stop motion animation(using the iPad app iStopmotion) based on the 
Odyssey. Posted above (old example), this was a cross-curricular integrated project with LASS.


My seventh graders are creating a collaborative stop motion animation of the Odyssey. Using Google apps has allowed the students to seamlessly and simultaneously create illustrations (while students are typing up storyboard scene descriptions) in the drawing app which are the uploaded to Google presentation. Scriptwriters write the script while sitting next the storyboard artists and writers. The animators create their character based on the storyboard. Due to the creative process aided by Google apps, all students have a job to do and can readily see/critique/ hone the work flow and product at any point during their work period. We are using the iStopmotion app to create the animation and Pinnacle or iMovie for the final clip editing, narration and music additions. Students are working with iPads and MacBook Pros.

November and December 2013

The seventh graders will be creating a stop motion animation based on the 
Odyssey. This will be a cross-curricular integrated project with LASS. An example is posted below.

October 2012

Students are creating Van Gogh inspired self portraits using the Photoshop Touch app on our brand new iPads!

September 2012

Students created their own still lifes and took photos of them. After studying learning about Van Gogh's emotive use of color, students are applying their knowledge of complimentary color and warm and cool color theory.

Van Gogh NGA video


Please turn in your final infographic by pasting your infographic into the
Google powerpoint with your initials HERE(clicklink): 7th Gr. Infographics

Create an infographic based on your LA/SS research. It should include a combination of text, symbols, color, graphs that represent facts, process, history, etc.You may use any web app (piktochart or ), word processing/presentation software (word,Google docs, Powerpoint), ipad app, Adobe Photoshop, etc. that allows you to combine and layer all the elements.

More examples and infographic links: Infographic web based creators and infographic ex. and
Infographics Web Slideshow

My quick example created with the web app easelly.

Ball Point Pen Drawings:

We will work on ball point pen drawings next.
1. Choose realistic photo to work from.
2. Use hatching and cross-hatching techniques to create values and shading.

Adobe Photoshop Self Portrait and The Roots of Animation(Frame by Frame)

Illuminated manuscript handout


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