Collaboration and Sharing:
Hether Hoffmann's Sketchbot Portrait Video at the London Science Museum and One Day on Earth
Just yesterday, I collaborated with the Chromeweblab and the London Science Museum to create my portrait live via streaming video. The above video is the result. As an artist and educator, this technology brings to mind the incredible collaborative potential of the web. Another example is the onedayonearth website. People from around the world created videos on 10.10.10 and 11.11.11. The website collated every single video on an interactive map to create a world wide 24 hour snapshot and final film. My video example for project is archive here: Hether Hoffmann's One Day on Earth. See also the screenshot below.My 7th grade students have been using Google apps to create collaborative video storyboards. Groups worked simultaneously drawing and writing shot descriptions on one document. Each child worked on a separate device or computer. After they finish their stop motion animations, I look forward to the students sharing these via their Google website art portfolios and the school's YouTube channel.
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