My seventh graders are creating a collaborative stop motion animation of the Odyssey. Using Google apps has allowed the students to seamlessly and simultaneously create illustrations (while students are typing up storyboard scene descriptions) in the drawing app which are the uploaded to Google presentation. Scriptwriters write the script while sitting next the storyboard artists and writers. The animators create their character based on the storyboard. Due to the creative process aided by Google apps, all students have a job to do and can readily see/critique/ hone the work flow and product at any point during their work period. We are using the iStopmotion app to create the animation and Pinnacle or iMovie for the final clip editing, narration and music additions. Students are working with iPads and MacBook Pros.
As my school joins the maker and stem movement, more and more of collegial conversations focus on student projects as problem solving. The need for students to understand and to manipulate materials is imperative. One such project incorporates all of these ideas. It is the origami paper brain model by Martin Pyka. Examples below are from my 6th gr. class.
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