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Showing posts from 2017

8th Grade Art: Clothing as Art

Fabiola Jean-Louis’  art exhibit at the DuSable Museum, Rewriting History: paper gowns and photographs, is an inquiry into social change.  artwork by Lesley  Dill Students looked at various resources for their "clothing as art" inspirations. Contemporary art goes beyond the canvas. Students brought in their own clothing to manipulate and to create an art piece. Berlin Wall (student work) Amelia Earhart

5th Grade Art: National Geographic Senior Editor Live via Washington DC

In art class, we have been exploring how artists tell stories with maps and photos. 5th graders had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the photojournalism editing and publishing process with National Geographic Senior Editor (live via webcam and Google Hangouts). Students are now working on their own story maps using an explorer mindset.

4th Grade Art: Koru Abstract Art and Maori Culture

6th-8th Grade Meet the Teacher Presentation

7th Grade Art: Contemporary Van Gogh Inspirations

Students went to the west campus to photograph all the beautiful wild flowers in Quest's green nature space. They cropped the photos to create interesting compositions for their paintings. 7th Gr #art #arted flower #canvas #painting #vangogh #contemporaryart inspiration @questgifted #questknights #questacademy A post shared by Artquest (@repeatingpattern) on Sep 1, 2017 at 6:52am PDT

Meet the Art Teacher Presentation

5th Grade Art: Figurative Sculpture

Students made wire armatures of various sport positions and covered them with plaster of paris strips. They made bases out of reused canvases.

6th Grade Field Trip: Frank Lloyd Wright and National Museum of Mexican Art

In less than 2 weeks, the 6th grade will go on a field trip to the National Museum of Mexican Art and the Frank Lloyd Wright Studio. This trips correlates directly with what the student's have been studying in their Spanish and Art classes.

Art Fair Video and Animations: Featuring 5th, 7th, and 8th Gr. Projects

5th Grade Pop Art Gifs

Quest Fine Art Fair: April 27- 6-8 pm

5th Grade Art: Paper Circuits, LEDs, and Light-up Drawings

6th Grade Art: Symbolic and Abstract Styles- Umbrellas

After studying Kandinski ( and Joan Miró, students sketched and doodled 5o symbols in order to create their own abstract style for the umbrella painting.

5th Grade Art: St. George and the Dragon, Podcasting, and QR codes

After discussing and looking at dragons from around the world and listening to a couple of versions of St. George and the Dragon, students created their own stylistic illustration. Some students made changes to the story with a heroine; others changes the setting or climate. After using the Chrome app, voice recorder, to record their story, students uploaded their podcast to Google drive and created a QR code. Listen to their stories by scan the codes.

7th Grade Art: Illuminated Manuscripts and Chair Project

Students are combining their illustration skills, calligraphy, gold/silver leaf, and mixed media to create amazing illuminated manuscripts. Some students have started on their chair projects based on their own stories. The chair project becomes the setting, character, or an object from the story. It is a scuplture project where students will use plaster of paris, painting, feathers, colored cellophane, wire, model magic, wood, etc. ro create their own 3-D visual interpretation from their story. Below, is a slide show of illuminated manuscripts.

8th Grade Art: Paperless/Semi-flipped Classroom- Handout, Project Resources

For each art project, Haiku is used to create a project page contains videos, links, handouts, artist ex., etc. Student and parents can access this page at anytime. This a great resource that can allow students to preview, review, or move ahead (allowing for individual pacing).  For the Monument project, students will be having a back channel discussion using while watching a documentary about the Vietnam Memorial designer/artist, Maya Lin. See the trailer below. Monument Project Haiku screenshot: 8th Grade art project page with links, handouts, and student examples

5th Grade Art: Ceramic Masks-Looking at Ceremony and Ritual within West African Masks

Demo: handbuilding techniques with coils, slabs, and subtractive carving Student masks ready for bisque firing Masks ready for bisque fire    

6th Grade Art: Airplane Perspective, STEAM and Design Thinking

Students have been working on cityscapes using an airplane viewpoint perspective. While the STEAM movement has been pushing making and innovation, it is ultimately important to be able to draw and have foundational design thinking about what you want to make or innovate.

8th Grade Art and Sculptural Teapots: Old Maker Movement-Ceramic Bisque Kiln Fire

8th Grade teapots being unloaded from the bisque kiln firing. Bamboo, roses, and other inspirational teapot forms!  Ceramics in the art room connects to all the STEAM/Maker movement aspects through design thinking (research/sketching), preto/proto-typing(clay building, form, function, engineering), glazing(science), kiln firing(math/science).  8th Graders just finished hand building their teapots using coil, slab, and pottery wheel forms. The teapots were bisque kiln fired last week, glazed this week, and will be glaze kiln fired next week.

5th Grade Art: Semi-flipped Classroom, Google Classroom and African Ceramic Masks

We will be starting our African clay mask unit. The students have access to video and link resources in Google classroom. This is what may be called a flipped or semi-flipped classroom by having the resources available ahead of time and/or for review. See this link:  Dragon Google Art Classroom . Screenshot of links in 5th gr Google Classroom