Fourth- Eighth Grade Art and Hether Hoffmann's Solo Exhibition Fourth Graders just finished their kimono/haori weavings. Each student creating their own decorative paper with silver and gold paint based on Japanese kimono fabric patterns. We discussed the different parts of a kimonos, yukatas (casual kimonos), and haoris (jackets) including the obi (belt). They are now working on comic book page that will include illustrations, text, and professional layouts using Comic Life on the iPad. Fifth graders just finished their one point perspective architectural drawing of Quest hallways and a 3-D pop out chair drawing based on Van Gogh chair painting (a symbolic portrait of Gaugain). They used their chromebooks or iPads to take photos of the hallway and then drew on top of the photos using Autodesk Pixlr to reveal the perspective with in the photo. They applied this knowledge when drafting the hallways on 18"x24" paper. Created with Padlet ...