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Showing posts from January, 2016

City of Chicago :: Strandbeest: The Dream Machines of Theo Jansen

If you get the chance to go to the (Feb. 5th) opening weekend, this would be one of the art exhibits to see this century! STEM, STEAM, and art all rolled into one. link:  City of Chicago :: Strandbeest: The Dream Machines of Theo Jansen City of Chicago :: Strandbeest: The Dream Machines of Theo Jansen at the Chicago Cultural Center

Auction Preview: 8th Grade High Key Photography

As a part of the 8th Grade photography unit students worked on portraits using high key photography techniques. High key photography involves photography where there is a large amount of light tones and fewer mid-tones or shadows .    Their portrait were collaged together and will be printed a metallic print mounted on bamboo.

7th Grade Illuminations: Inspirations from Around the World

After working on their rough drafts, 7th graders transferred their manuscript designs by tracing on the window. Students researched styles from a variety cultural and religious manuscripts.

4th Gr. Comics: Drawing, Graphic Design, and iPads

Comic of  student work created on a Kindle with Comic Creator. As an art teacher, I'm always pushing to see what tech tools can do even on my Kindle.

6th Gr. Symbols and Joan Miro

Miro via Metropolitan Museum of Art The 6th grade classes are designing symbols in order to develop their own painting style. The symbols will be incorporated into their umbrella paintings. This project is inspired by the Spanish artist, Joan Miro. Below, a student explains some of his symbols and also pictured are other student examples . .

Artist of the Month Interview at Schaumburg Prairie Center for Arts: Hether Hoffmann

Hether Hoffmann was interviewed by the curator from the Prairie Center. She describes her art process as well as the locations where she takes photographs. Her solo exhibition of 27 photographs will be on display through the end of January.

Semi-flipped Art Classroom: Using Padlet to Guide Student Learning

One of my favorite tech resources for flipping my classroom, ongoing classroom film discussions, and short advisory lessons is Below are two recent examples that were also cross posted in Google Classroom for 5th Gr. Created with Padlet Created with Padlet

New Year: Reflecting on Awesome Student Art

Fourth- Eighth Grade Art and Hether Hoffmann's Solo Exhibition Fourth Graders just finished their kimono/haori weavings. Each student creating their own decorative paper with silver and gold paint based on Japanese kimono fabric patterns. We discussed the different parts of a kimonos, yukatas (casual kimonos), and haoris (jackets) including the obi (belt). They are now working on comic book page that will include illustrations, text, and professional layouts using Comic Life on the iPad. Fifth graders just finished their one point perspective architectural drawing of Quest hallways and a 3-D pop out chair drawing based on Van Gogh chair painting (a symbolic portrait of Gaugain). They used their chromebooks or iPads to take photos of the hallway and then drew on top of the photos using Autodesk Pixlr to reveal the perspective with in the photo. They applied this knowledge when drafting the hallways on 18"x24" paper. Created with Padlet ...

7th Gr. Illuminated Manuscripts: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Image 10 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art 7th Graders are working on illuminated manuscripts. Here are some amazing resources students use for conducting their visual research. Interactive Islamic Art Wing at the MET