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Showing posts from 2019

Quest Academy Palatine Village Hall Student Art Exhibit

Congrats to all student artists from Quest Academy!

7th Grade Art: Calavera Printmaking and Jose Posada

  7th Graders learned about Jose Posada last week. Some of the calavera imagery seen in today's popular culture and Day of the Dead traditions was derived from and influenced by Jose Posada's satirical printmaking. Posada's Catrina print that influenced Diego Riviera's murals and calavera imagery in Day of the Dead popular culture. by Jose Posada José Guadalupe Posada (1851–1913) was a Mexican illustrator known for his satirical and politically acute  calaveras . Deriving from the Spanish word for ‘skulls’, these  calaveras  were illustrations featuring skeletons which would, after Posada’s death, become closely associated with the mexican holiday  Día de los Muertos , the Day of the Dead. Most of these  calaveras  were published by the press of Antonio Vanegas Arroyo which produced inexpensive literature for the lower classes, including thousands of satirical broadsides which Posada illustrated. Through this focus on mortality Vanegas A...

6th Grade Art: Digital Ofrendas

Students are creating digital ofrendas based on an important person or relative using Adobe Spark, Google Draw, or Pixlr. Below, students looked at a Thinglink to understand all the parts of an ofrenda.

4th Grade Art: Optical Art and Gif Animations

Students are making stop motion animations with their webcams, optical weavings, and a gif creator!