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Showing posts from February, 2017

7th Grade Art: Illuminated Manuscripts and Chair Project

Students are combining their illustration skills, calligraphy, gold/silver leaf, and mixed media to create amazing illuminated manuscripts. Some students have started on their chair projects based on their own stories. The chair project becomes the setting, character, or an object from the story. It is a scuplture project where students will use plaster of paris, painting, feathers, colored cellophane, wire, model magic, wood, etc. ro create their own 3-D visual interpretation from their story. Below, is a slide show of illuminated manuscripts.

8th Grade Art: Paperless/Semi-flipped Classroom- Handout, Project Resources

For each art project, Haiku is used to create a project page contains videos, links, handouts, artist ex., etc. Student and parents can access this page at anytime. This a great resource that can allow students to preview, review, or move ahead (allowing for individual pacing).  For the Monument project, students will be having a back channel discussion using while watching a documentary about the Vietnam Memorial designer/artist, Maya Lin. See the trailer below. Monument Project Haiku screenshot: 8th Grade art project page with links, handouts, and student examples

5th Grade Art: Ceramic Masks-Looking at Ceremony and Ritual within West African Masks

Demo: handbuilding techniques with coils, slabs, and subtractive carving Student masks ready for bisque firing Masks ready for bisque fire