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Showing posts from January, 2017

6th Grade Art: Airplane Perspective, STEAM and Design Thinking

Students have been working on cityscapes using an airplane viewpoint perspective. While the STEAM movement has been pushing making and innovation, it is ultimately important to be able to draw and have foundational design thinking about what you want to make or innovate.

8th Grade Art and Sculptural Teapots: Old Maker Movement-Ceramic Bisque Kiln Fire

8th Grade teapots being unloaded from the bisque kiln firing. Bamboo, roses, and other inspirational teapot forms!  Ceramics in the art room connects to all the STEAM/Maker movement aspects through design thinking (research/sketching), preto/proto-typing(clay building, form, function, engineering), glazing(science), kiln firing(math/science).  8th Graders just finished hand building their teapots using coil, slab, and pottery wheel forms. The teapots were bisque kiln fired last week, glazed this week, and will be glaze kiln fired next week.

5th Grade Art: Semi-flipped Classroom, Google Classroom and African Ceramic Masks

We will be starting our African clay mask unit. The students have access to video and link resources in Google classroom. This is what may be called a flipped or semi-flipped classroom by having the resources available ahead of time and/or for review. See this link:  Dragon Google Art Classroom . Screenshot of links in 5th gr Google Classroom