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Showing posts from August, 2015

First Day of School in the Art Room

Setting Expectations The Owls and Geckos discussed the art classroom expectations. After the discussion, each student typed in a classroom expectation in their own words at the smart board. The text was typed into an ImageChef word cloud app. The students the voted on the color and design scheme. The expectation word clouds now hang in the classroom as reminders for everyone throughout the year. Their enthusiasm was amazing while working on this group reflection! Gecko Expectations Owl Expectations

What I Did During My Summer Vacation

Kayaking, Balance, Filming, and Fun I spent most of the summer either filming for my documentary or spending time with family and friends. My documentary features three women kayakers from Chicago. I filmed in some amazing locations this summer including the Maine coast and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. What did you do this summer? Filming from my kayak (fun, but challenging) Break from  filming: Greenland rolling class. Me rolling without a paddle(photo: Bill Thompson) Landing on a rock shelf during filming due to storms rolling in. Family time!